About me

I believe that everyone is entitled to have his or her own unique experience in therapy, and one approach or theory, does not fit everyone. It is my belief that a strong individualized therapeutic relationship is central to the healing process. It is my goal to provide a safe and open space where clients feel comfortable freely expressing their thoughts and feelings, without judgment.
Therapy is not necessarily about fixing a problem, but recognizing and enhancing core strengths while using experiences to develop resiliency and new perspectives. Deciding on a need for change can be a difficult and emotional experience but through learning and growing with the right therapist, healthy change can happen.
My focus in therapy is on the experiences we encounter and early forms of trauma, which contribute to recurring current dysfunctions. I am a therapist who trains in "break through" therapies including psychedelics for medication resistant PTSD, Major depressive disorders and other indications as approved. I also utilize EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) with most of my clients as indicated. EMDR is a proven method, effective for therapeutic use in reducing the thoughts that motivate unhealthy behaviors.
The Warrior
For surely you did not choose this battle.
Rather it chose you.
And standing on the edge of what you
cannot escape is most tormenting.
But take one final breath before the plunge.
And charge forward.
Knowing that you go not alone,
but in might company of all who
stand ready to fight at your side.
And knowing that where your spirit is weakened,
there you will find untold strength.
Where your heart is fearful,
there you will find immeasurable courageousness.
And where your soul is mired in darkness,
there you will find the most penetrating light.
The most powerful beacon showing you the way.
Mark Peters, Copyright 2005, Solace Creek.

Psychedelics & EMDR
Is psychedelic psychotherapy legal?
I am currently trained by the leading pioneers of psychedelic therapies and hold certifications from the California Institute for Intergral Studies (CIIS), the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) and Fluence, for Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAPS). Ketamine treatments are currently the only psychedelic therapy that is federally legal in the U.S. This treatment is used for relief for those experiencing Major Depressive Disorders who do not respond to current pharmaceutical psychotropic medicines.
The current efforts to legalize psychedelics for therapeutic use is a battle that deserves your research and support should you find yourself exploring further. The potential cure to end individual suffering should be an imperative to us all - and your voice matters now! With MDMA legalization (hopefully by the end of 2022 or early 2023) and the promise of psilocybin, a separate consideration shortly thereafter, the hope of ending suffering and actually achieving the goals of eradicating individual pain is within reach. Please visit: www.MAPS.org for more information.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a scientific, evidence based therapy that is increasingly recognized and recommended for the effective treatment of Trauma, PTSD, Anxiety, and other diagnosis. According to Mark Nickerson, president of the international EMDR association (EMDRIA), in his new book, "The Wounds Within." , states:
"EMDR fosters the brain's ability to make new connections within the mind by allowing those fragmented memories to link up with other more positive and adaptive knowledge. EMDR elicits the brain's natural tendency toward health and balance, thereby creating the conditions for the client to re-examine an experience, draw different conclusions, and allow rigid and distorted beliefs to soften and shift."
Every individual strives to live a positive and productive life and within each person is the ability to heal. Trauma does not necessarily lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) but if it does, PTSD does not necessarily need to be debilitating or life defining. My approach is about understanding, and redefining experiences to develop core strengths and resiliency.
Sexual Addictions, Pornography and Problematic Sexual Behaviors
Learn to develop healthy and positive behaviors in a safe, understanding and non-judgemental environment. Understanding this addiction from a "behavioral addiction model" can assist in the reduction of shame and guilt, while increasing awareness to support and promote healing and change. My commitment is an atmosphere of trust and acceptance in what can potentially lead to a break in the patterns that destruct your life and relationships.
Porn: I am frequently asked if porn addiction is "really a thing". Yes, porn addiction is very real and very damaging to adolescents as well as adults. Viewing pornography on a regular basis "hijacks" the brain and causes actual changes to it as well as now being recognized as a leading cause of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, anorgasmia (inability to reach climax) and desensitization in 18-25 year old males! Stopping pornography use and its affects can be difficult but is reversible.
Am I a Sex Addict?
Do you often find yourself preoccupied with sexual thoughts?
Do you hide some of your sexual behavior from others?
Have you ever sought help for sexual behavior you did not like?
Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior?
Do you feel controlled by your sexual desire?
When you have sex, do you feel depressed afterwards?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, call for a consultation
The First Step is
Getting Through the Past

Start Breaking Patterns &
Exploring Strengths

Start Navigating New Paths &
Writing a New Chapter